martes, 25 de julio de 2017

Project: Mini book

The project we have chosen to do with kids is a minibook. We have decided to present is as a cooperative activity to do in pairs or small groups.

We will provide the groups a template so they can fill with the information they think is more appropriate, as well as decorate it.

It is a timeline shaped as a minibook. In each page kids will have to write and draw all the stages we have worked with in class. The flash presentations is very useful for them as it summarizes the information from the next book.

With this project we will have to provide kids with self and peer assessment tools.
  • A checklist to make sure that they include all the important stages and that they have written down certain key aspects.
  • A rubric to evaluate their own effort and motivation.
  • A rubric to evaluate their peers in their group work.

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